Monday, January 27, 2014

FEB: Master

Do whatever is listed in each of the following sections.  We will be planning a major service project during this class, so come prepared with the following done:

KNOWLEDGE: Do all of the following:
-read Matthew 25:34-46 and choose one verse to memorize from it (or read 10 times at least)
-select one or two of your “favorite” charity/service organizations from CORE class and research them
-watch the following two videos of people who are serving:

Take the projects we discussed in CORE class (or any others you run across) and research one in depth: Where it started, where it’s funding comes from and goes, exactly what it’s purpose is, etc. 

OPT: Watch the following documentary with the approval of your parents:

Here is what the lady said who recommended it to me:
“Hi, we love watching documentaries and movies along with the subjects we are studying.  Here is one of my favorites on child slavery around the world. I think he does a good job of teaching the difference between slavery and children working to help maintain the family.  I think he does a great job showing the different types of slavery in different countries.  Warning - there is a part here on child sexual slavery.  I watched this and discussed the documentary with my older children.  If feel it's good for them to know what life is like in other countries.  But I highly suggest you preview it first and see if you think if it fits your family standard and what you want to teach to your children.”

INTELLIGENCE: Do all the following:
-We will brainstorm their advantages and disadvantages in class.  From that, we will decide if we want to support one of those programs and organize a service event, or create something on our own.  Melinda Gilbert will be helping mentor this.
-Bring all your flash cards for our Geo-genius game!!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!  Everything (factual) can be included that is researchable. (That’s for you, Sir Clancey J…use that brilliance to memorize something that will last!)

FEB: Journeyman

Journeyman: Oceania and James Cook

Geo-Conquest Skills: Time line
-Come with three dates from this time period and area of the world.

Geo-Conquest Skills: Maps
-we will have a map for you to fill out as many of the following as you can identify: Australia, New Zealand, Tazmania, the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Marshall Islands,  Canberra, Papua New Guinea, Great Dividing Range, Coral Sea, Indian Ocean, Tasman Sea, Mt. Ossa, one of the four major deserts in Australia (Great Victoria, Great Sandy, Tanami, or Simpson), Southern Alps.

Geo-Conquest Skills: Geography
-Come up with your own presentation on a country!  You can write a brief, 1 page report (or more!) on a country or island, do a powerpoint for us in class, or just write down 5-10 of your favorite cool facts about the country of your choice in that area of the world.  You can also come with a game from that country for us to play (but please let Sister Biesinger know if you are going to do this, because I will plan one if no one else does J).
(I would recommend getting books at the library, but you can use sites such as this:

Monthly Focus: Exploration in Oceania…sacrificing to explore and learn!

KNOWLEDGE: do all the following
Read about James Cook:
Then you can either read the chapters in between #2 and #3 on that website, or you can read the segment in the Story of the Word on Captain James Cook to fill in the gaps.

UNDERSTANDING:  Create understanding by doing one or more of the following and bringing to share (or create your own!):
-Write down three of your favorite interesting facts about James Cook
-bring a physical map with James Cook’s route: make with anything you want!  Paper, pasta, playdoh, or pie.
-do a powerpoint, play, report, poem, etc. about what you learned about James Cook
-research/read the parts in the Book of Mormon when it records people building boats and leaving to sail “north”
-make a model or drawing of Cook’s boat
-plan out what he would have eaten in one day and eat it yourself. (Be daring…do it more days!)

INTELLIGENCE: Create intelligence by participating in and discussing the following:
We will be watching the youtube version of Kon-Tiki at my house: (the 1947 version, not the more recent, PG-13 one).  This video is about a man who built a ship out of primitive materials and set sail off the west coast of South America to prove that ancient peoples could use the ocean to get to the islands.  This film is made with the actual man who performed this experiment acting as… himself!  So interesting!  

The film is only an hour long, so we will aim to start it at 3:00 pm and class will end at 4:00.  As always, please preview or review this movie for personal approval for your family.  I will have popcorn but you can bring any snacks you want to share for that time. (Maybe you can try to make it authentic ship fare or Oceania food!)
You are welcome to come and get your youth early at 3 pm if you need to.  Thanks!


Geography is fun!!
I love playing the Geography game in Master Class.
You guys should join ... the DARK SIDE!! :)