Friday, April 4, 2014

APR: Journeyman Inspirements

-Do the inspirements in all 3 sections to develop your ability to look at things Geographically-

Bring 2 timeline dates from Asia from 1300-1750 and add Gladys Aylward to your timeline
Make a map of Asia with at least 10 features or fill out the map with all the locations it specifies on the side at:
            Choose a way to present information on a country or subject in Asia--animals, religions, plant life, occupations, political differences, chess tournaments held there, music contrast, famous buildings!


Read the following sites to gain an understanding of her life. Or any other sites you and your parents deem appropriate

Find at least 4 scriptures that you feel describe Gladys Aylward and write down the references.  Copy at least one scripture to share with the class.  Write a short reason why you feel it applies to Gladys Aylward and her story.

II.  GAIN UNDERSTANDING:. Do number one, and then choose one or more of the following to take your knowledge to understanding.
1. Everyone do the following:
*Choose a word that you think describes Gladys Aylward. Do a word study on it. (please do not do initiative) Write a brief explanation of why you feel this word best describes Gladys Aylward.
*Do a graphic Summary of Gladys Aylwards life. Come prepared to share it. Remember to include a short moral and try to apply it to your life.
2. Then pick one or more of the following:
Choose one or more of the following:
*Research Glady's route from London to China. Map her route, and research the methods she used. Find a way to teach us about her travels.
*Research China (in addition to whatever country you chose above, unless you study two different things about it). Find a way to present that research to the group. You can make a map of China, Research the history or a famous location. You can write a report, or do a poster about China. You can compare China during Gladys Aylwards time to today and make a comparison chart.
*Compile a timeline of Gladys Aylwards life. This can be in any form you choose, please include date and locations where applicable.
*Write a short story, poem, song etc or draw a picture about Gladys Aylward's initiative.
*Why do you think that the people named her “Ai-weh-deh,” which means “Virtuous One.”
Research, Ponder and record your ideas. Come prepared to share your thoughts with the class.

            My project for understanding #2 is: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
III.  INTELLIGENCE: Now apply what you have learned into a project.  Select from one of the following or choose your own!
*Ponder about this quote from Glayds Aylward:
“I wasn't God's first choice for what I've done for China.... I don't know who it was... It must have been a man.... a well-educated man. I don't know what happened. Perhaps he died. Perhaps he wasn't willing... and God looked down... and saw Gladys Aylward.... And God said, “Well, she's willing.' ”
Have you had a time in your life when you thought that you were not the one who was “meant”   to do something, but knew it was something you had to do! Journal about that time in your life, and show it to your parent or running partner.
*Have you been inspired to teach the gospel to others, and had to do something difficult to spread the gospel? Maybe you didn't have to travel to foreign lands, but had to do “foreign” things? Journal about that experience and remember the difficult times or situations, along with the beneficial times and situations. Show it to your parent or running partner.
*Teach a FHE about Glayds Aylward and/or her initiative and/or the other characteristics you feel describe her to your family.
            My project for creating intelligence is: _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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