Wednesday, October 29, 2014

November - Master Level

1.  Watch a video representation of Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech, found below.  I recommend printing it out and making notes of your impressions on the printout.  You can find the written document HERE. 

This speech is so stirring!  Do a journal entry about the things it makes you think about.  Some questions to get you started...To what extent would you go to preserve liberty for yourself and your family?  What duties does Patrick Henry imply we have to preserve liberty?  Are there any areas you feel driven to stand up for liberty in our society?  If so, what first (or next) steps can you take?  How can what you have learned about the American Revolution help you to be a better person?  Take time to do some real pondering and be prepared to discuss this in class.

2.  Just and Holy Principles:
Read the section by Dallin H. Oaks, pages 138-156 (18 pages).

Specifically look for the following and we'll discuss in class:
  1. Why a central government was necessary (page 139)
  2. The 3 qualities the delegates had that make the Constitutional Convention a success (page 141)
  3. See what Elder Oaks has to say about D&C 101:78-80 and Mosiah 29:23-26 (page 145)
  4. What will strengthen a nation more than force?  How can we as citizens strengthen our country?  (page 148)

3.  Choose to study about one of the following so we can talk about it and how it relates to each of us:
*Becoming Statesmen/women*
*The impact of mothers on society*
*The impact of fathers on society*

You can gather information from whatever sources you choose.  Just take the topic and run with it.  Ask people you trust if they know of good books, blogs, scientific studies, church talks, etc. that can help you.  Dig deep.  

The purpose of this activity is to help you see how YOUR ROLE in society MATTERS.  You have the power to do so much good while you're here on earth, for current, future and even past generations!  Take time on this inspirement because it may just help you more clearly define your life mission. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

November-- Geography!

Read through this timeline to get an idea of the sequence of events in the Revolution.

Pick 3 major battles and label them on this map.
Also, label the original 13 Colonies.
Label Yorktown, Philadelphia, Boston, Trenton, and Princeton.

Research one of those battles-- where did it take place? What's the terrain like there? Who fought in it? Who won? What happened to the losers? etc...
Prepare to present what you've learned to us-- either in a report, or in a prezi, or something else.

Monday, October 20, 2014

November (Journeyman) - The American Revolution!!!

The American Revolution is so interesting and fun to study! Here are some inspirements to get you started on your journey of discovery:

Do ALL of these: 

Watch THIS VIDEO about the American Revolution (5:20)
The 5,000 Year Leap
INSP: Read Principles #13-16 in The 5,000 Year Leap.  (pages 164-202)

Read Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes



Select one or more of the following to study and teach the class about.  I'm excited to hear about what you discover and why you chose the one you did!

Minutemen - Study minutemen.  What were they responsible for?  Why were they called minutemen?  How did they join?  What ages were they?  What qualifications did they need?  Find some examples of times when they were called to action and learn about their impact. Would you want to be a minuteman? 

Don't Tread On Me flag.  Study the history of the Don't Tread On Me flag.  What did it mean when it was created?  What does it mean now?  What is the snake symbolic of? 
Join or Die snake comic.  Learn about the 'Join or Die' snake.  Find out who created it, what its intent was, what the parts represent, how it was distributed to the people, etc.  


Cipher Codes.  Learn about cipher codes and how they were used in the American Revolution.  Learn about a cipher code and maybe even create your own code!

Weaponry.  Study the kinds of weapons that were used in the American Revolution, both American and English.  What were their limitations and how did they impact battles?  How long did it take to load a musket or cannon?  What kind of training did they have in using the weapons?  You could learn about battle strategies.

Boat Design, Engineering and Function.  Study the kinds of boats that were in operation during the American Revolution.  War ships as well as cargo ships.  How were they engineered?  Why were they designed the way they were?  It would be awesome if you created a ship diagram or two and taught the class about what the various compartments were for, what made the ship good for its purpose and what ways they could have been improved.  You could study the crew positions and official names for the boat's components.

Betsy Ross and the evolution of the American flag.  You could create an artistic rendering of all the flags, the dates they began to be used, and what they represent.


Study Casualties of American Revolutionary War.  Search for the number of troops in various battles, the numbers killed, wounded or captured.  How were casualties buried?  How were injured cared for?  What was done with captured soldiers?  


Learn about the economic impact of the war.  How did the war affect the citizens of the colonies during the war?  How much debt was the country left with and who were their debtors?  How did they manage to pay off the debt they owed?  What lessons could Americans today learn from their example?  In your opinion, do you think they made good decisions?  


JUST FOR FUN (This is not an inspirement, just something fun):

  • Watch THIS AWESOME MOVIE TRAILER for A Hero Rises.  The movie hasn't been made yet, but the script is released to the public and they are trying to raise funds for the production of the movie.  I can't wait to see it based on this trailer!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

October - Master

In Master class we're going to take what we learned in Journeyman a step further.
This month's inspirements (this is gonna be cake compared to reading 'The Fourth Turning' last month!):

  • Read or listen to Elder Marion G. Romney's talk, Socialism and the United Order ComparedWe'll discuss the similarities and differences in class.
  • Make a list of things you've noticed happening in the world around you that indicate that America is becoming more and more socialistic. Refer to the definition of socialism in Elder Romney's talk.  Bring your list to class so we can talk about them. 
  • Prepare a presentation to teach the class about what you learned while studying a communistic society. I want you to present in front of the group in the most polished manner you can. Practice at home before you get to class, preferably with a few people you trust! Good statesmen/women need to be able to present their ideas to a group in a coherent, succinct way. Your presentation should be 5-10 minutes long (Time yourself as you practice). You can bring a visual aid if it will truly enhance what you are saying, but part of the purpose of this inspirement is to help you learn to convey your thoughts orally, so that should be your primary focus. 

Geography Inspirements (Thanks, Tova!!):
  • Skim through this article, reading mostly the first couple paragraphs of the different sections. (after that, it mostly gives some great books to read if you want to study these religions further)
  • Research a religion of your choice, and prepare a report about it. Also feel free to bring something to help teach us about that religion.

October - Journeyman

For the month of October our focus will be Virtue.  In Geo-Conquest, we will specifically be learning...
  • A virtuous society is necessary for liberty to be preserved
  • About various forms of government and how they impact the nations' citizens
  • About communism, socialism, and capitalism - in depth.
To be prepared for class, please complete the following:

  • Why is capitalism better than socialism?  Watch a 14-year-old boy explain.  (5 min)
  • Listen to Tibor Aranyosi tell what it was like to live in Hungary under communistic rule in the 1950s.   (20 min)
  • Watch Kitty Werthmann explain the transition to socialism in Austria in the 1930s.   (30 min)
  • Read pages 91-119 in Just and Holy Principles. Find at least one TREASURE from each of the 3 talks that you feel inspired to share with the class.  
  • Read principles 9-12 in The 5,000 Year Leap
  • Review the forms of government (posted earlier on this blog).  We're playing a game with these, so study up! 
  • Find an example of a communistic society in history. Try to find one you didn't know about before now. Learn as much as you can about this! List realities for the average citizen in the areas of home ownership, small business ownership, education level, income level, and medical care. It's fascinating to study how the form of government impacts society and contrast it with the society in which we live. Here are a few examples you could look at (but there are MANY more):
Kampuchea (Cambodia) - 1970s
Hungary - 1950s
Laos - 1970s
Cuba - 1960s
North Korea - 1940s
Soviet Union
Poland (first to break free from Soviet Union)
East Germany (under Soviet Union)

Some examples of things to pay attention to as you study:

  • Time period - the idea of communism has persisted throughout the ages.
  • What was life like for the people before it became communistic?
  • What was life like for people while it was communistic?
  • What was life like for people after communism ended (if applicable)?
  • If there was a revolution, why were the people inspired to revolt?
  • Did communism solve the problems the society was facing when it accepted communism?

Places to look for information:

  • Books (ask around for suggestions)
  • Documentaries
  • Interview someone who has lived under a communistic form of government
Geography Inspirements (Thanks, Tova, for coming up with these!!!):

"Asia was the birthplace of most of the world's mainstream religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastranism, as well as many other beliefs." I'd never thought of that before! Let's get into Asia through their religions.

NOTE: As I mentioned in class, I am biased! I will be teaching what I believe to be right and true.  I do not consider it my job to give the opposing views, but rather, to teach truth - as revealed by apostles, prophets, and historical evidence.  If you are interested in being sure my view of truth is in line with yours, I invite parents and youth to ask! And parents are always welcome to sit in on my class (although I'd prefer that you leave the discussion to the youth). 

Friday, September 12, 2014

What You May Have Missed

If you didn't make it to Journeyman and Master class in September, you missed out!  I had such a good time discussing with our brilliant youth how the turnings in history correlate with the pride cycle in the Book of Mormon.  I made this chart to help make it more clear.  The inner circle has the Four Turnings from The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe.  The outer circle is the pride cycle we learn about over and over in the scriptures.

We also played Geo-Conquest Jeopardy to review the things we learned in our readings and in class.  

Forms of Government

In Journeyman class in October we're going to play a game with the following vocabulary words.  If you review them throughout the month you'll remember them really easily - or you can cram at the last minute if you prefer.  ;)  The reason we're learning these is so that as we study different societies we can identify which form of government they were/are operating under.

ANARCHY - A state of society without government or law. 

ARISTOCRACY - A government or state ruled by the elite, or privileged, upper class (i.e. wealthy rule, inherited name or title, or high educational status. Family names mean a lot.)

CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC - a state in which the head of state and other officials are representatives of the people. They must govern to an existing constitution.  (The United states was set up this way originally, but it is now functioning more like a republic - or an Oligarchy - depending on who you ask!)

DEMOCRACY - Government by the people; power vested in people and exercised directly by them or their elected agents.  (majority wins, even when slight; works well when people are righteous.) 

DICTATORSHIP - Absolute, overbearing power or control exercised by a dictator.

DESPOTISM - The exercise of absolute authority; absolute power or tyranny; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, depending alone on the will of the 'prince'. 

MOB RULE - Control or government by a gang, often of violent criminals. 

MONARCHY - Supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person.  (Rule by one; i.e. emperor, czar, king, etc.

OLIGARCHY - All power is vested in a few persons; rule by the few (a small percentage of the whole).
PLUTOCRACY - Rule or power by the wealthy.

REPUBLIC - Supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them; rule by law (doesn't matter who is in charge, the laws govern).

TYRANNY - A state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.  (Someone rules over everyone else; same as dictatorship.) 

THEOCRACY- Religious leaders who seek to rule in the name of God (someone claiming divine commission, acting as a liaison between the people & God).

Saturday, August 30, 2014

September - Master Level

I am SO excited to talk about turnings in history with you!  It's a fascinating subject that will help you make sense of your world and tie it into the cycles in the scriptures.  Another goal I have for class time is to help each of you understand how needed YOU are to successfully transform the difficulties of this fourth turning into the regeneration and renewal of a first generation!  YOU are the HERO GENERATION! (If you don't understand what I'm talking about here, read the book!) 

Master Level Inspirements:
1.  Watch Declaration of Independence signers' sacrifices HERE. (5 minutes)
2.  Read pages 1-22, 49-90, 95-105, 119-122, 254-334 (147 pages) in The Fourth Turning. The bulk of our time together will be spent discussing these readings and how they apply to you and your generation.  Be thinking how you fit into the current 'turning'. (I narrowed down the reading so it is more manageable, but you're more than welcome to read the whole book!

Choose ONE of the following inspirements to complete:
1.  Come prepared to teach your peers about the sacrifices made by one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  You could include what their life was like before and after they took a stand (home, family, job, etc.).  Don't spend a lot of time on this unless you want to.  This will take up only a brief part of our time together.  See this link for a list of signers to choose from.
2.  Find an example in the scriptures of a Hero generation (or an example of multiple turnings). 

In class we will also be discussing the importance of good mothers for a good society and the need for moral, capable statesmen/women


Friday, August 29, 2014

September - Journeyman

This month's principle is HUMILITY.  How does being HUMBLE tie into history, government & geography? Be thinking as you work on your inspirements how humility factors into the things we're studying so we can discuss it together.

Inspirements to Prepare for Class:
  1. Read, watch or listen to The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson (click on words 'read', 'watch' or 'listen' for links).
  2. Let Natalie know by September 4 which of the first 10 Principles of good government you'd like to teach the class about (from The 5,000 Year Leap). Call or text 801-347-9468 or email
  3. Prepare a 3-5 minute presentation that will give the class the most important information about the principle you chose to present. Practice presenting in front of a trusted person and use their constructive criticism to make it better.  You can use note cards to remind you of key points, but please don't just read your presentation.
  4. Read pages 1-129 in The 5,000 Year Leap (the introduction and the first 8 principles).  
  5. Read the Introduction and Prologue in Just and Holy Principles (only 12 pages), then 'Treasure Hunt' for at least 3 gems you found thought-provoking.  Mark them and jot down your thoughts so we can discuss them in class.  
  6.  Complete ONE of the following inspirements:
    • Write a paper on the three branches of the U.S. Government.  Include how the branches work together to serve and protect citizens of America.  Refer to the 5,000 Year Leap pages 24-27 or do research elsewhere. Please have someone you trust proof-read your paper and help with paragraph organization, spelling, grammar.  Can be typed or hand-written but do your best!
    • Find an example of the pride cycle in the Book of Mormon or Bible and be prepared to discuss in class.  Ask a parent or grandparent for help if you have trouble locating one on your own.
    • Come up with an artistic representation of a way that the government can overstep its bounds and practice an IMPROPER role of government.  You could create a comic strip, a drawing, a poem, or a 3-minute skit with a friend. 
  7. Read or listen to the quote segments below from Dallin H. Oaks' talk, "Freedom and Agency". You can find the mp3 link or the talk in its entirety at HERE (link). Come to class prepared to discuss what you learned. It may be helpful to do this inspirement with a trusted adult (great time to involve Grandma or Grandpa!).   
    Quote to read:

"Many losses of freedom are imposed by others. The science of government is a consideration of the procedures by which and the extent to which the official representatives of one group of citizens can impose restrictions on the freedom of another group. Decisions on the extent to which government power should restrict the freedom of individuals are among the most difficult decisions we face in an organized society. How much should zoning laws restrict a person’s right to use his own property? How many taxes should we extract, and what compulsory functions should government perform with them? How much harm can society allow a person to do himself, such as by self-mutilation or drug use? These are all questions of freedom."

"We have to accept some government limitations on freedom if we who live in communities are to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A condition of uninhibited individual freedom would allow the strong to oppress the weak. It would allow the eccentric desires of one person to restrict the freedom of many."

"Interferences with our freedom do not deprive us of our free agency. When Pharaoh put Joseph in prison, he restricted Joseph’s freedom, but he did not take away his free agency. When Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple, he interfered with their freedom to engage in a particular activity at a particular time in a particular place, but he did not take away their free agency."

"The Lord has told us in modern revelation that He established the Constitution of the United States to assure “that every man may act . . . according to the moral agency which I have given unto him” (D&C 101:78). In other words, God established our Constitution to give us the vital political freedom necessary for us to act upon our personal choices in civil government. This revelation shows the distinction between agency (the power of choice), which is God-given, and freedom, the right to act upon our choices, which is protected by the Constitution and laws of the land."
Source of exerpts: Elder Dallin H. Oaks,

I know that Geo-Conquest requires a lot of reading.  Hopefully you won't give up and will trust that it will be worth it!  If it's any consolation, in class we're going to play a game, watch epic video clips of various battle speeches, look at political memes, and have fun learning from each other and sharing the gems of knowledge we've gained.  :)  

I'm super excited to work with you and exchange knowledge in a way that will allow the Holy Ghost to testify to us of truth and prompt us to find how we can use our knowledge to fulfill the missions God has given each one of us. 


Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014-15 Geo-Conquest Introduction

I am so excited to be learning about history and geography with you this year!  I believe strongly in the principles upon which the United States was founded by our great Founding Fathers and passionately want to keep (and in some cases restore) the system of government they designed. In order to know for yourself that the system of government they designed is the best form of government (until the second coming of the Savior), you must study why it was designed the way it was and contrast it with other governmental structures and how they have played out historically.  I know that the Constitution of the United States of America has been approved by God as the right form of government for us and I hope you will come to know this too!

We will be studying the period of the Revolutionary War (1770s) through the Civil War (1860s) in America and will cover other world events within that time period as well. 

In September and October we will be laying a foundation of knowledge that will help us look at history for the remainder of the year.  These months will be pretty analytical and the reading may prove more difficult than the following months, but it is important because it will allow us to have the underlying knowledge and vocabulary needed to analyze historical events in future months.

We will also be looking at cycles in history because the most valuable thing we can learn from history is how to impact the future.  We are so blessed to have the Book of Mormon.  It is a historical account that allows us to learn from the past so we can do better in the future.  Take a minute to look at the following cycle of righteousness.  Try to identify where we are as a country in this cycle. Does this help you identify what's coming next or what we can do individually and collectively to return to righteousness, blessings and prosperity? 

I can't wait to discuss important things with some of the best and brightest and most capable youth who will soon be our country's leaders!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inspirements, quotes and recipes from today!

Today was awesome!  I loved flying kites, tasting all that yummy food, seeing the youth learn more about the countries and features of Asia, and having some amazing Drew's comment about the words Good and God and Devil and Evil, and other awesomeness like that! 

Thank you for the sweet spirit that was there during our devotional, the way you guys support each other, and Madeline's fantastic oral presentation!  We are going to miss you and Tate, but have an awesome time in Florida!

A few announcements from today:
-Pre-trek fun on Friday night at 7 pm.   Contact Angie Moore for more info.
-Austin's birthday party on Sat from 12-3:30 at the Gilberts.  Wear clothes that can get dirty and wet!
-Upcoming youth summer camp on June 12-14.  Sounds like great fun!  Ask Aubrey Gilbert all about how to get registered.

Please reply at the bottom if you remember anything you want to share from today!

Maggie sent a quote and recipes.  Please send your recipes to me via email or in the reply section as well.  Today was amazingly delicious!

Drew's Egg Rolls
Wanton wraps
Finely chopped veggies (we used cabbage, chives, carrots, mushrooms)
Ground beef, cooked
Soy sauce (sprinkle on meat)

Mix meat and veggies together.  Place 2-3 tablespoons in the middle of wanton wrap and wrap as directed, using water to seal it closed.  Fry in hot oil for 1-2 minutes on each side.  Take out, drain, and place on paper towel.

Maggie's Quote

"Virtue provides an example for people to fallow; when it is not there, they miss it. It has always been the finest prize a person can win, and it always will be so. It is the noblest of all the good qualities a person can have.--The Wisdom of Solomon 4:2

Baptist Grasshopper Pie (made by Catholics and served to Mormons :)...)

Ingredients Edit and Save

Original recipe makes 2 - 9 inch pies
  1. In large saucepan combine marshmallows and milk. Stir over medium heat until the marshmallows are completely melted. Chill until mixture holds its shape when dropped from a spoon.
  2. Slowly mix in the mint extract and chocolate extract and stir until all the ingredients are combined completely.
  3. Beat the whipping cream in a chilled bowl until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold whipping cream into marshmallow mixture. Add food coloring to desired color.
  4. Spread into pie crust. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Be sure to refrigerate any leftovers.


    Here is the Chinese Chicken Fried Rice!! Enjoy!!


    Original recipe makes 2 to 4 servings 

  1. In a small bowl, beat egg with water. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium low heat. Add egg and leave flat for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and cut into shreds.
  2. Heat oil in same skillet; add onion and saute until soft. Then add rice, soy sauce, pepper and chicken. Stir fry together for about 5 minutes, then stir in egg. Serve hot.