In Journeyman class in October we're going to play a game with the following vocabulary words. If you review them throughout the month you'll remember them really easily - or you can cram at the last minute if you prefer. ;) The reason we're learning these is so that as we study different societies we can identify which form of government they were/are operating under.
ANARCHY - A state of
society without government or law.
ARISTOCRACY - A government
or state ruled by the elite, or privileged, upper class (i.e. wealthy rule, inherited
name or title, or high educational status. Family names mean a lot.)
DEMOCRACY - Government by
the people; power vested in people and exercised directly by them or their
elected agents. (majority wins, even
when slight; works well when people are righteous.)
overbearing power or control exercised by a dictator.
DESPOTISM - The exercise
of absolute authority; absolute power or tyranny; authority unlimited and
uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, depending alone on the will of the
MOB RULE - Control or
government by a gang, often of violent criminals.
MONARCHY - Supreme power
or sovereignty held by a single person. (Rule by one; i.e. emperor, czar, king, etc.
OLIGARCHY - All power is
vested in a few persons; rule by the few (a small percentage of the whole).
PLUTOCRACY - Rule or power
by the wealthy.
REPUBLIC - Supreme power
rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly
by them; rule
by law (doesn't matter who is in charge, the laws govern).
TYRANNY - A state ruled by
a tyrant or absolute ruler. (Someone
rules over everyone else; same as dictatorship.)
THEOCRACY- Religious
leaders who seek to rule in the name of God (someone claiming divine
commission, acting as a liaison between the people & God).
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