Tuesday, September 16, 2014

October - Master

In Master class we're going to take what we learned in Journeyman a step further.
This month's inspirements (this is gonna be cake compared to reading 'The Fourth Turning' last month!):

  • Read or listen to Elder Marion G. Romney's talk, Socialism and the United Order ComparedWe'll discuss the similarities and differences in class.
  • Make a list of things you've noticed happening in the world around you that indicate that America is becoming more and more socialistic. Refer to the definition of socialism in Elder Romney's talk.  Bring your list to class so we can talk about them. 
  • Prepare a presentation to teach the class about what you learned while studying a communistic society. I want you to present in front of the group in the most polished manner you can. Practice at home before you get to class, preferably with a few people you trust! Good statesmen/women need to be able to present their ideas to a group in a coherent, succinct way. Your presentation should be 5-10 minutes long (Time yourself as you practice). You can bring a visual aid if it will truly enhance what you are saying, but part of the purpose of this inspirement is to help you learn to convey your thoughts orally, so that should be your primary focus. 

Geography Inspirements (Thanks, Tova!!):
  • Skim through this article, reading mostly the first couple paragraphs of the different sections. (after that, it mostly gives some great books to read if you want to study these religions further)
  • Research a religion of your choice, and prepare a report about it. Also feel free to bring something to help teach us about that religion.

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